7)Overcoming the "9-year-old wall"
In this chapter, let's think about the best fE tool to support that development of the upper grades of elementary school from 7 years old to over 9 years old, overcoming the "9-year-old wall".
As I have explained, the order in which a child grows and develops is "recognized" in order from the physical concrete object in front of us. Then, the recognition of space and time is expanded in order, such as recognizing "self" through the "concrete object" and then recognizing "the other party" through oneself.
While achieving these developments, the child leaves early childhood and enters school age, finally reaching the "9-year-old wall". On this wall, it will be required not only to recognize concrete objects as before, but also to abstract and recognize things.
For example, in the classroom, abstract ideas such as time calculation, fractions and decimals that cannot be answered even if you break your finger are introduced. In essays and other texts, abstract subjects such as peace and friendship have emerged as a matter of course, from "where did you go yesterday and what did you do" like a picture diary during the summer vacation.
Then, child will be able to get an objective bird's-eye view of then self, and the so-called "another self" will begin to grow and dialogue will begin. If you analyze yourself calmly, you will find that we adults are unconsciously interacting with another person, whether reading a book or writing a sentence. "What should I think about this?" "Is this true?" "What is my true feeling?" We are helped by "another self" in various aspects. If you look at it in this way, you can see that the "thinking process" is exactly the dialogue with "another self" and the "metacognition" in psychology.
However, early childhood and school-aged children before the "9-year-old wall" have not yet developed sufficient abstract thinking ability, and may be not able to view themselves objectively or grasp things objectively. When the "power that can be imagined" is developed by "crossing the wall of 9 years old", it becomes possible to replace the "concrete object of reality" with a symbol, and as a result, will be able to understand the existence of "another someone” (another self).
If you can do this, you will be able to think about things in an abstract way, and you will be able to look at yourself objectively. It is directly linked to "thinking logically," that is, "children's academic ability." The logic in human thinking is to follow the invisible path (process) of thinking by trial and error with the other person in the mind, saying, "No, not this."
What if there was no one in your heart currently and the conversation did not hold? You may not come up with any ideas. Then, when the dialogue with yourself progresses smoothly and abstract thinking grows, you will be able to imagine your "future self" through the dialogue with yourself. Finally, you will acquire the ability to set specific targets and drive yourself systematically until you reach your goals.
"I'll get full score in the test!"
"I will continue training every morning so that I can fly up to the 7th step of the vaulting box!"
So, you can think about what you should do from "now" to reach your goal, and you will be able to make continuous efforts.
In the fE tool, ATT (Ambitious Target Tree), which can design a concrete route to the goal by decomposing the set target (goal) into steps, is the best tool for children at this time.
This connects the three fE tools with the child's developmental and growth stages. You can see that the fE tool has a tool system that matches the developmental stage of the child.
"Branch"-> "Cloud"-> "Ambitious Target Tree"
With the "Wall" of 4 and 9 years old as a boundary, if you utilize it according to the developmental stage in this order, you can support the healthy growth of your child. The system is designed.
TOCfE states that it will give children the skill of "acquiring the ability to think properly", and specifically sets the following as the skill details that children should acquire.
Skills to analyze events, concepts, and information rather than memorize them
Skills to effectively ask questions and interpret information
Skills to find connections between things (read between lines)
Skills to evaluate the validity of reasoning, hypothesis, and opinion
Skills that support a certain position using logic
Skills to apply knowledge learned in other subjects and real life
Skills to make reasonable and wise decisions
Of course, I think the role of fE is not just a tool, but essentially to recognize and encourage the child's inner desires to help the child grow, and to guide them in the desired direction in a more enjoyable way. In other words, this skill is to acquire "the power of words", to acquire the ability to "listen", "speak" and "express" using tools, and to "think" through dialogue with oneself.

TOC Thinking Process and Children's Education (1)~(8)
1) Abstract