Conditions for survival in the manufacturing industry in VUCA era
Satoru Murakami CEO Goal-System consultants Inc.,
Agenda, an expression of my basic philosophy-3
What we should provide as a consultant
This time, I would like to talk about the work I think of as a "consulting business" from the perspective of "scientific".
Our company is a small company with about 10 people, but we have been providing consulting services for 20 years since our establishment in 2002. The basic concept is "Total Solution Provider Applying Theory of Constraints".
In other words, our position is a consulting firm that provides total solutions that solve customers' management issues. Therefore, the idea and method of TOC is one "tool", and it does not mean that TOC is preached. And our consulting service is a third party that is neutral and fair to the client, and it is based on the client becoming the subject of decision making and entrusting the final decision of feasibility to the client.
The basic ethics of our company are as follows.
(1) Give a logical and objective explanation of the method (method) that we recommend in order to always ensure the possibility of falsifiability. (accountability)
(2) Correctly judge the current situation and recommend what kind of conditions are necessary on the client side when applying the method. (Consultancy)
If both of these are missing, you are definitely disqualified as a consultant. If this condition continues, a negative chain will occur in which the misunderstood consultant fails. This "basic ethics" was born to prevent such a thing.
From here, I would like to introduce my motivation of new book.
We use a variety of methods and ideas to get the job done. There are always "origins" and "references" in such ideas and methods. Dr. Goldratt also wrote in his paper "Standing on the Shoulder of a Giant" that his own TOC method was developed by thoroughly researching the TPS (Toyota Production System) methodology pioneered by Taiichi Ohno and others.
Not only that, of course, SQC (Statistical Quality Control), which Dr. Deming taught to Japan, evolved into TQC (Total Quality Control) in Japan, and returned to the United States to become Six Sigma. The Toyota Production System developed by Taiichi Ohno continues to evolve as a TPS, lean manufacturing system, and lean development. Methods and ideas will evolve to be easier to use in response to changes in the environment, while inheriting the basic principles.
In fact, "Introduction to TOC" published in 2001 introduces TOC while unraveling the underlying methods such as MRP, cost accounting, and direct costing (unfortunately this is only the Japanese version). In the new book at 2021, while examining the history of flow management development, we are examining how we who live today should inherit that history. And from my experience, I am introducing a new concept (system) called "Dynamic Flow Management" as a concrete methodology.
It is the consultant's own lifeline to promote the evolution of the method we use as a tool in response to changes in the environment, and we must not stop that evolution. I would like to maintain the stance that "methods" are "tools" and "means" for companies, organizations, and individuals to achieve their goals and goals. Therefore, what should be strictly refrained from is that Dr. Goldratt confuses "what he pursued" with "what he was able to achieve" throughout his life. Although the doctor's "ambition" to make TOC science should be taken over, I think this attitude is depressing TOC to a state far from science.
From next time, let's introduce the summary of my "A Book of Strengthening Manufacturing that Survive in Uncertain Times" published in March 2021.
