Conditions for survival in the manufacturing industry in VUCA era
Satoru Murakami CEO Goal-System consultants Inc.,
Think about Three Assumptions
This time, let's consider the "three assumptions" that pervious blog.
The first "Fundamental Concept" means "basic viewpoint / idea that goes through the whole", and "Apply" means that rules and procedures are applied to individual cases. In other words, "fundamental concept" has the same meaning as "principle" and "purpose".
The second assumption, "Fundamental Concept is often abstracted".
This is for example, "Fundamental concept of manufacturing management is to improve the flow", but even if it is said same sentence, but have difficult meaning in essence because each person say something different (abstracted by own way) in his or her own way.
Actually, word for "Abstraction" is a methodology for explaining the "Basic Concept", so I'm just saying that, but it feels really confusing when I write it like this.
And finally, in order to apply the fundamental concept to the actual environment, the "Assumption" and the condition for "Translating" the "fundamental concept" to a specific environment. To examine in detail is to think concretely about the changed conditions and devise countermeasures in order to cause changes in the means of work in process (WIP) storage, kanban, and rope, as explained exactly.
To summarize these three teachings a little more concretely, the procedure is as follows.
Confirm our essential purpose
Confirm the basic procedure that has been applied so far, and the assumptions and conditions that depend on it.
Determine how the environment has changed
Concretely define what is the method that does not change even in today's environment.
Concretely define the conditions and procedures of what must be changed in order to adapt to the changes.
Is it a little easier to understand the specific explain of separating the "essence" and its "application"?
