About Us
Total Solution Provider Applying Theory Of Constraints
The TOC (Theory of Constraints), which was pioneered by Dr. Eliyahu M. Goldratt (1947-2011) over his life, was published in 2002 in Japan and became a best-selling novel "The Goal" in a blink of an eye. It was Satoru Murakami, the representative director of our company, who worked on the practice and dissemination of the idea introduced in the above for the first time in Japan 1997 before the translation publication in.
We GOAL SYSTEM CONSULTANTS, INC. provide realistic problem-solving solutions based on TOC, and our mission is to get our customers real business benefits in a short period of time. Our solutions can be applied to any industry or organization, commercial or non-profit, to support your continuous improvement process (POOGI).
TOC is a general-purpose evolution of the Toyota Production System (TPS) systematized by Taiichi Ohno and others, and the Toyota Production System is the Ford system built by Henry Ford. Was developed while thoroughly studying and sometimes making sharp criticisms. Unfortunately, Dr. Goldratt, who developed the TOC, died at the young age of 64, and it is undeniable that the theoretical system cannot fully cope with today's complex environment called VUCA. (VUCA = Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, Ambiguity)
However, we continue to challenge the evolution of flow management, which leads to the genealogy of Ford, Ohno, and Goldrat, and advocate the concept of "Dynamic Flow Management," an easy-to-use solution adapted to today's environment. We provide "solutions".
Our mission is to continue to help our customers realize their "dreams" and "visions" and create a company that continues to prosper, and for that purpose, management consulting, open seminars, correspondence education, and employee training. We provide total support for customer needs through a wide range of methods, including various surveys, proposals, and system introduction support.
The TOC is just writing "natural". However, with a little study, you will find that TOC is a "reasonable" way of thinking, and TOC has evolved on this basis.
"Complex things are a collection of simple things" is Descartes's words, but the idea of TOC can express what seems to be complicated very simply. Rather than looking at each event individually, by focusing on the connection between each event and changing a small number of points, many things can change accordingly.

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